What is a "Personal Communications Consultant?"
So .... I’ve received a few questions about what title I picked ..... and while I want to just say ‘whatever I want it to be’ that’s not helpful 🙄
I help guide people to get from where they are to where they want to be. I’m not here to fix them or tell them what’s wrong. They do the work, I provide kind yet helpful feedback while cheering them on. My focus/approach tends to be more focused on language and how the language we have learned (and use) create the concepts that are getting in the way. A lot of that is interpersonal communications; it most certainly starts there. Im not a therapist, while I value therapy - my approach is different. I don’t treat my clients like they are broken people that need fixing, but instead like they are complete humans and they are wanting guidance along this human journey. Kind of like a preacher, but no god involved - I think consultant is ambiguous enough of a term to not box me into any one thing, yet not too fufu that it will turn people away (know your audience, right 😉). Does that make sense?
#theycallthisadulting .
#consultant #personalcoach #lifecoach#communicationscoach #momcoach#parentcoach #yougotthis#coachnottherapist #askmemore#growthmindset #selfcoach #adulting#adultingishard #yourenotbroken#yougotthis #needalittlehelp#leadershipcoaching #leadyourselffirst#seattle