Note To Self
So a few things: I love making mental (and physical) notes to myself. Rephrasing my thought into a somewhat concise bullet point helps me reframe my thought and let’s me shelf it and think about it later. Everything, actually MOST things, do not benefit from an immediate reaction. I use this phrase a lot and suggest you try it.
Also - pay attention to marketing - for example ‘Note to Self’ is a phrase I like and am familiar it is also the font name I use in the @word-swag app! Do I like the font more because I like it’s name???? #probablybut for real - I appreciate this tool, they make looking like a pro easy!! #notanad .
#theycallthisadulting .
#wordswag #notetoself #whattodo#anxiousmama #momboss #talktoyourself#allthecoolkidsaredoingit #executivecoach#leadershipdevelopment #entrepreneurlife#mombrain #momsohard #adulting#adultingishard #thoughtoftheday