Whispering is more powerful than yelling
It seems counter intuitive but it’s true. When we talk louder the louder others talk so they think they can be heard. When we whisper, everyone gets quiet so they can hear you! .
I learned this from my Dad and I’ve tested this on my kids - they know mom is REAL serious when she starts whispering .... .
#theycallthisadulting .
#tryit #didyouknow #whisper #powerful#communicationscoach #qotd#leadershipskills #momcoach#executivecoaching #totd #qotd2#tuesdaythoughts #adulting#leadershipdevelopment #coaching#adultingishard #parenthood #tipoftheday#seattlelife #makeanimpact #doyou#igotyou #yougotthis #momsohard#transformationtuesday #momboss#likeaboss #bossbabe #beaboss